: Литература по курсу
Опубликован: 03.05.2007 | Доступ: свободный | Студентов: 5094 / 850 | Оценка: 4.39 / 4.04 | Длительность: 14:10:00
Тема: Менеджмент
Специальности: Руководитель
- 1.Six Building Blocks for creating Real IT StrategiesGartner, 2002
- 2.От хорошего к великому. Почему одни компании совершают прорыв, а другие нет...Стокгольмская школа экономики в Санкт-Петербурге, 2001
- 3.Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and CompetitorsNew York: Free Press, 1980
- 4.Enabling Business value Via IT – Integrating Strategic Planning and IT Value ManagementGiga, 2002
- 5.Real IT Strategies: Steps 1 to 4 – Laying a FoundationGartner R-21-4074, 2003
- 6.Real IT Strategies: Steps 5 to 8 – Creating the StrategyGartner R-21-4950, 2003
- 8.Подходы к разработке ИТ-стратегииCIO Директор Информационной Службы, 2004, N2
- 9.
- 11.IT Strategy Is Key to Improved IS Credibility: Client IssuesGartner, 2003
- 12.Business and IT Planning: A New MarriageGartner SPA-11-3914
- 13.Solving the Problem of Strategic PlanningGiga, 1999
- 14.Журнал «Финансовый директор» №7, 2003
- 15.Management Update: An Alternative Approach to Creating an IT StrategyGartner IGG-01012003-04
- 16.Making IS Strategy When There Is No Business StrategyGartner Research Note TU-14-1792, 2001
- 17.MIT CISR Working Paper No. 326April 2002
- 18.Leveraging the Infrastructure. How Market Leaders Capitilize on Information technologiesHarvard Business School Press, 1998
- 19.Managing th IT Portfolio (Update Circa 2003)Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Briefing, Volume 3, Number 1C, March 2003
- 20.Strategic IT InvestmentSloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Briefing, Volume 1, Number 2A, September 2001
- 21.How to Build a Sourcing StrategyGartner Strategic Analysis Report R-18-1099, 2002
- 22.Meta Group. Enterprise Architecture Desk Reference2002
- 23.An IS Organization Adopts an ESP Model: The Lessons of a Radical TransformationGartner Strategic Analysis Report R-14-0932, 2001
- 24.How to Build a Sourcing StrategyGartner Strategic Analysis Report R-18-1099б 2002
- 25.Консолидация ИТ-ресурсов холдингаCIO #5,2003
- 26.Директор ИС, №6, 2003
- 28.Predict 2003: Gartner View for IT Professionals2002
- 29.IT Organizational Design: Part 2 – Today’s Improved ModelGiga, 2000
- 30.The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy into Action (Harvard Business School Press, 1996) and The Strategy-Focused Organization: How Balanced Scorecard Companies Thrive in the New Business EnvironmentHarvard Business School Press, 2000
- 31.Adapt the Balanced Scorecard to Link IT to Business StrategyGartner G2 RPT-1001-0166
- 33.Client Issues for Business Management of ITGartner AV-20-8835, 2003
- 34.Designing the Agile Organization: Design Principles and PracticesGartner Strategic Analysis Report, R-21-7532, 2004
- 35.ITIL Process gaps from asset and configuration dataGartner COM-16-7539, 2002
- 36.What is ITIL and why should I careGartner 2002
- 37.Мифический человеко-месяц или как создаются программные системырусское изд. Символ-Плюс, 2001
- 38.Путь камикадзеМ., 2001
- 39.
- 40.COBIT 3rd Edition Implementation Tool SetIT Governance Institute. ISBN 0-893209-16-14
- 41.Combine COBIT and ITIL for powerful IT GovernanceGartner TG-16-1849, 200
- 42.Measurement. Distributed Computing Chart of AccountsGartner, 2003
- 43.Desktop TCO Update 2003Gartner, 2003
- 44.Экономическая эффективность информационных системДМК Пресс, 2002
- 45.Информационные технологии и управление предприятиемМ., 2004
- 46.TCO: The first justification for enterprise IT ArchitectureGartner COM-19-4790, 2003
- 47.Экономика информационных систем: от снижения затрат к повышению отдачи"Директор ИС" №6, 2003
- 48.Return on Enterprise Architecture: Measure It in Asset ProductivityGartner G2 Report RPT-0702-0119, 2002
- 49.Gartner Business Performance FrameworkЄ. The Enterprise Reference ModelGarner G2, 2003
- 50.Управление инвестициями в информационные технологии.Руководство по оценке и повышению зрелости процессаМай 2000, версия 1. – Центр компатенции по электронному правительству при американской торговой палате в России
- 51.Total Economic Impact, Part 2: Defining and Measuring IT ValueGiga Information Group, Inc. – P-1297-009
- 52.Evaluating the Maturity of an IT Asset Management ProgramGartner DF-14-6558, 2001
- 53.IS Process Improvement: Making Sense of Available ModelsGartner DF-20-1898, 2003
- 55.System Architecting: Creating and building complex systemsPrentice-Hall, 1991
- 56.Электронные государственные услуги и административные регламенты. От политической задачи к архитектуре "электронного правительства"М.: Инфра-М, 2004
- 57.Электронное правительство: рекомендации по внедрению в Российской ФедерацииМ.: Эко-Трендз, 2004
- 58.Электронное правительство. Опыт СШАМ.: Эко-Трендз, 2003
- 59.Стратегии электронного бизнеса для государстваМ.: Астрель, 2004
- 61.см. пункт 1 списка литературы
- 62.A New Light on IT Planning and Enterprise ArchitectureGartner, 2002
- 63.Gartner Enterprise Architecture: A Home for E-GovernmentGartner, 2003
- 64.см. пункт 22 списка литературы
- 65.Shared Services Offer Promise for GovernmentsGartner, 2004
- 66.June 2, 2004
- 68.May 30, 2000
- 69.Gartner, 2003
- 70.UK Office of the e-Envoy. E-Government Interoperability Framework (e-GIF)2004, 30 April
- 71.Washington State Department of Information ServicesWashington State Department of Information Services 2005-2007 Strategic Plan, 2004
- 72.A Framework for Assessing and Improving Enterprise Architecture Management (Version 1.1)GAO-03-584G
- 73.GAO Report to Congressional Requesters INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. Leadership Remains Key to Agencies Making Progress on Enterprise Architecture EffortsGAO-04-40б November 2003
- 74.RIP. Enterprise Architect Online, February 13, 2004
- 75.Enterprise Architect Online. April 30, 2004
- 76.Giga, 2000