Опубликован: 08.09.2012 | Уровень: для всех | Доступ: платный
Лекция 23:
3.2. Tick those statements which reflect the position of the author.
- The recent shift in the digital world helps consumers feel fit.
- The move from the wide-open Web to semi closed platforms gave rise to iPhone models.
- Consumers appreciate new changes because they make their lives more convenient.
- The Web was thought to flourish by placing applications in the cloud.
- New technologies were supposed to weaken the Web position in the digital world.
- The future of the Web is undoubtedly stable.
- Websites can be published without restraint, whereas apps require approval by third parties. Is it true?
- Apple has become the leader in the struggle for the world without the Web. Is it true?
- Consumers are eager to part with their wallets to obtain modern devices. Is it true?
- Online businesses will find new ways to drive revenue online, and selling apps may well be one of them.
- Mobile phones providing access to the Internet are destroying the Web.
- Today's apps do some things better than the web, which is why they are so popular.
- The web is a system for making connections — between documents, devices and ultimately people.
- Nothing is infinite. The Web is not exclusion.