Опубликован: 08.09.2012 | Доступ: свободный | Студентов: 11263 / 3094 | Длительность: 48:33:00
Специальности: Программист
Лекция 16:
Talking to computers
3.2. Comprehension tasks
3.2.1. Mark the following statements as True or False:
- Speech is regarded as the natural interface between human and computer. Is it true?
- Nowadays films and TV-series use computers voice interfaces. Is it true?
- Spoken communication is the best way of transferring information from a human to another object. Is it true?
- Some of the obvious drawbacks of universal voice control have already been countered. Is it true?
- Controlling a computer by word power works best if you use all "could you's and would you mind's". Is it true?
3.2.2. Using the information in the article, complete these statements
- Each company with enough money to spare now has:
- There is another reason why language control is difficult:
- The view of human language, added to shared human experience, shows:
- how people enter into conversation
- how people are on speaking terms
- how people understand each other precisely in a conversation